Monday, April 19, 2010

Peanut Butter-Toffee Cheesecake Brownies

I found THIS recipe in a magazine or somewhere and cut it out a while ago. I just tried it yesterday and took the results to DJ's Eagle court of honor. So yummy! They were gone fast!

(For the record, I didn't use all the same brands of ingredients that are suggested in the recipe.)


  1. those look SOOO heavenly! nice work. i was just on the pillsbury site earlier today & found this one that i want to try. i even printed the recipe...

  2. ooooo those DO look heavenly!!

  3. What a cute blog idea! Love it! (Love ANYTHING that has to do with good food!) :) Clint has been encouraging me to start a food blog for forever...maybe someday... :) Until then though, Im bookmarking this page!
